I aim to refrain from introducing new signs and instead contemplate the collective body of signs that humanity has already created. The act of creating a piece of work arises from my incapability of digesting a sensation/thought/event through natural language.


Glass neon light and wires,
48” x 120” x 10”, 2021

Acrylic on canvas,
48” x 36”, 2023

Jesus is White, 
Ink on canvas,
36” x 36”, 2021.

Democracy Dies in Darkness,
Inkjet print on transparent film,
paper clips, and nylon thread.
32” x 40” x 18”, 2018.

36 cover pages of the Washington Post newspaper, which includes stories of immigrants during the first year of the Travel Ban. 

Fountain, the most banal object.
Digital Photograph,
50” x 36”, 2019.

Paper, synthetic leather, fabric,
wood, and metal.
36” x 120” x 36”, 2018.

Good Dog, 
Acrylic on canvas,
36”x49”, 2021.

Nah (No), 
Concrete and steel rebars,
60” x 42” x 13”, 2021

Inspired by the ballots of the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran. The Ballots bore no context except for ‘Ari’ (Yes) and ‘Nah’ (No). Nah is now a symbol. It symbolizes protest against pain, oppression, and violation of human rights. It’s a protest against compulsory hijab, a bankrupt economy, unconstitutional imprisonments, and inhuman executions.

Acrylic on canvas,
36” x 72”, 2020.


Acrylic on cardboard,
22" x 12", 2018.

The letter “O” from the Futura typeface is juxtaposed with the letter “E.”

Contemporary, Conceptual Art,
Digital photograph,
40" x 60", 2018.

The paragraph on Conceptual Art by Sol LeWitt, published in Artforum in 1967, is visually represented through the gestural movement of cut-out letterforms from the mentioned paragraph, positioned between the light source and the camera.

Wood and steel wire,
20" x 21" x 45”, 2017.

Social ID number of my home country, which has been constructed by light and shadow.

This is us,
Digital photograph,
48" x 30", 2017

Projected passport images over all our belongings when we first moved to the US.

The Ballot, Yes/No.
Acrylic on canvas,
80” x 36”, 2019.

Ballots of 1979 Islamic Republic Referendum.

Array of 50 flags, Digital,
15’x15’x2’, 2020.

Paper, synthetic leather,
and metal sheet,
11”x8”x8”, 2020.

Untitled, memories,
Digital photograph,
30” x 40”, 2018.

Wood and metal rods.
17” x 9” x15”, 2019.

The letter 'h' is found at the end of words in Arabic scripts.

Acrilyc on canvas.
(Mockup image)
11’ x 5’, 2018.

Trilogy of falling,
Vinyl and acrilyc sheets.
6’ x 6’ x7’, 2021.